IP_Do Good Project

Learning Plan & Project Management Chart

Learning Plan

The Do Good Project is an independent project with open brief that offers opportunities to study and explore various genres of digital media design while making a positive impact on society. In this semester, I plan to explore interactive websites, either in 2D or 3D, in order to provide users with an engaging learning experience.

Before proceeding with the ideation, I decided to work on the self-determined learning plan to provide a clearer direction for my studies. The first stage in this approach is to define the learning objective which allows me to reflect on myself, understand my current circumstances and identify my learning challenges.

Next, I move on to the action plan which helps me obtain a better understanding of the obstacles I might face and potential solutions. Also, I've made a basic project schedule that shows the different stages of the work. This helps me plan their implementation within a limited of time.

View full learning plan document here

Project Management Chart

I broke down the tasks into smaller parts based on the preliminary project timeline to figure out the sequence of work to be done. Then, I created a more detailed project management chart to ensure that I have a clear picture of all the tasks i need to complete at a glance.

View full project management chart here.


After identifying my areas of interest, I brainstormed ideas by browsing social media and reviewing online news from Malaysia. This led me to develop an interest in specific topics, primarily related to cultural aspects. To gain a clearer understanding of these issues, I conducted further research and gathered relevant information.

The topics I've identified are:

  1. New Villages Awareness: There’s a knowledge gap among young people about new villages due to urbanization and digital media shift. East Malaysia Stereotypes: East Malaysia faces stereotypes due to a lack of understanding about its rich cultural and ethnic diversity. Mah Meri Awareness: The Mah Meri, an indigenous ethnic group in Malaysia, is not well-known due to geographical isolation and limited media representation.

I've organized information about these topics in Figma.

Also, to aid in the development of my problem statements, I utilize the 5 Whys method. This simple problem-solving method assists in quickly identifying the root cause of a problem. It involves successive questioning, which helps in pinpointing the core issue and reinforcing the solidity of the statement.
New Villages Awareness

East Malaysia Stereotypes

Mah Meri Awareness

After consulting with my lecturer, I’ve decided to focus on the culture of the Mah Meri. This is because Kampung Baru (also known as New Village) has started to gain visibility recently. Although the culture of East Malaysia has been stereotyped by some Malaysians, there is now a wealth of accurate information available online. It’s the indigenous people who truly need assistance in promoting their culture.
To gather more insights and improve my problem statement, I do some further reading and research. According to Malaysiakini, Anuar Faizal's Mah Meri-inspired collection at CIMB Artober Fashion Week sparked controversy over cultural appropriation (Azam, 2023). There is also an interview that said the Mah Meri tribe's stories, previously confined to their community, are now shared with outsiders for survival (Lin, 2023). This is due to the absence of written records and the marginalization of indigenous culture in mainstream education and media. I would like to create a solution that can help reduce the occurrence of such incidents. Therefore, I will adjust my problem statement to reflect this new change.

Problem Statement:

The Mah Meri community, which holds a rich cultural heritage and traditions, has been overlooked in mainstream education and media. This lack of exposure has led to cultural erosion, misconceptions, misinformation, and the potential for cultural appropriation.


A creative solution that could involve an engaging and interactive learning experience that educates users about the traditions, practices, history, and values of the Mah Meri community, thereby bridging the information gap.

After this, I'll need to move on for the next steps to create a more detailed proposal:- Define the context - Define the target audience- Define the purpose- Collect more life stories and insights- Case studies researching (for content, creative and aesthetic)

Case Studies, Technical Research, Refine Learning Plan & Chart

Once I settled on my problem statement, I had some initial ideas for my project and solution: to create an interactive educational website that enables users to gain knowledge in a fun way. This approach may allow users to learn about topics that might otherwise bore them, while also raising awareness about the indigenous cultures that have been overlooked in Malaysia.

Case Studies

In order to expand my ideas, I conducted research on several case studies that focus on interactive educational or storytelling methods:

Case Study 01

Case Study 02

Case Study 03

Technical ResearchAt the same time, I’ve been conducting technical research on the coding aspects. The research primarily focused on how to import 3D environments or assets into a website, an area I initially had little knowledge about.

Spline is a free 3D design software offering real-time collaboration to create web interactive experiences directly in the browser. It provides numerous tutorials and is beginner-friendly, making it ideal for learning modeling within the software itself.

Refine Learning Plan

Next, I refined my learning plan to ensure a more focused approach towards my project proposal in the upcoming weeks. To accommodate the project's time constraints, I've narrowed down the learning objectives to focus on three specific goals.

  1. Enhancing 3D modeling skills in building or creating an interactive 3D environment.

  2. Advancing coding skills in HTML to create a game-based educational website.

  3. Game-based experience to transform something dull into an engaging learning experience.

View full refined learning plan here.

Refine Project Management Chart

The chart is refined based on the new learning plan.

View refined management chart here.

Content & Design Planning


Before proceeding with content planning, I created a sitemap for myself to get a rough idea of how my website will work.

Content Planning

Based on the sitemap, I might be able to delve into each page with a clearer direction. The introduction and historical section will feature engaging parallax scroll animations, injecting vitality into potentially dense information. The village tour offers a draggable 2D or 3D environment, enabling users to explore distinct areas of the village. The Mah Meri story segments will resemble an interactive scrollable storybook, boasting animated visuals and interactive elements. Users navigate the narrative by clicking on specific elements, uncovering additional information, animations, or sound effects. This approach aims to provide an immersive storytelling experience, allowing users to delve into Mah Meri culture at their own pace.
About Page

Village Page

Stories Page

Contact Page

Design Moodboard

I haven't decided on a 2D or 3D art style yet, so having references for both would be helpful for future use. It might also assist me in coming up with a clearer direction afterward.

Intended Media Used, Process & Techniques Specification

Moving on, I listed down the intended media used, process and techniques specification. This will help me determine the software and specific techniques needed to bring my project to life.

References List:

  • Abdullah, M.K.B. (2023). 'Malaysians Must Know the TRUTH: Designer’s collection mocks Mah Meri tradition, village head lodges report'. [online] Malaysians Must Know the TRUTH. Available at: https://malaysiansmustknowthetruth.blogspot.com/2023/10/designers-collection-mocks-mah-meri.html# [Accessed 20 Nov 2023]
  • Awwwards. (n.d.) Homepage. Available at: https://www.awwwards.com/ [Accessed 5 Dec 2023]
  • Behance. (n.d.) Homepage. Available at: https://www.behance.net/ [Accessed 5 Dec 2023]
  • Jacobs, B. (2022) 'What defines cultural appropriation?' [online] BBC News. Available at: https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20220513-what-defines-cultural-appropriation [Accessed 20 Nov 2023]

  • One Page Love. (n.d.) Homepage. Available at: https://onepagelove.com/ [Accessed 5 Dec 2023]
  • Pemetaan Budaya. (n.d.) 'The Culture And Custome of The Mah Meri Community Birth: Giving a Name'. [online] Available at: https://pemetaanbudaya.jkkn.gov.my/en/culture/dis/131 [Accessed 20 Nov 2023]
  • Pinterest. (n.d.) Homepage. Available at: https://www.pinterest.com/ [Accessed 5 Dec 2023]
  • Spline. (n.d.) Tutorials Page. Available at: https://app.spline.design/tutorials [Accessed 19 Dec 2023]
  • The Star. (n.d.) 'The forest comes alive in this Mah Meri book of folk tales'. [online] Available at: https://www.thestar.com.my/lifestyle/culture/2023/05/07/the-forest-comes-alive-in-this-mah-meri-book-of-folk-tales [Accessed 20 Nov 2023]


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